SiIvaGunner usage guidelines, last updated 

Can I use SiIvaGunner rips for my own purposes?

In short, yes you can!

You're allowed to freely use content on the SiIvaGunner channel for any purposes, including background music for videos/streams, video game mods, rhythm game charts, further remixes, DJing, animations, and YTP/YTPMVs.

Though we would prefer if you do not:

When using rips, while not necessary, we always appreciate linking back to the channel and/or crediting the individual ripper behind the specific rip being used. This information isn't always public, but individual credits may be made public through our albums and the rippers' personal playlists. A lot of this information is compiled on the community-run SiIvaGunner Wiki.

Please do note the rips uploaded to SiIvaGunner are often highly derivative of multiple other works. While automated systems may have more trouble detecting copyrighted content present in remixed works, using SiIvaGunner rips is not a get-out-of-copyright-school-free card. While we do not put our rips in Content ID systems, original songs used in them may still be detected. Use them at your own discretion.